Whatcha lookin’ at?


Some data from Emerson, Max + My summer work. Heat map, where one person looked while making shape discrimination decisions.

I think I’ll take a vacation now.




Omega-style headphone stand

Omega StandFor my birthday I bought myself a nice set of headphones — Grado PS500. They were sitting on my desk, in a pile of coffee stained Natures and strange SkidShop snack-bags.

So I designed and printed the following, inspired by the so-called “Omega” headphone stands that are out there. Check it out at Thingaverse

Oh and a shout-out to McNeel and Assoc for letting me be part of the Rhino for Macintosh beta-group.

Wolfram Programming Cloud

You can create this:

[WolframCloudAPI id=”a99541cf-90ab-4b52-ab5c-cd6b632f4c7f” rule=”62″ step=”30″]

With this:

[wlcode] CloudDeploy[APIFunction[{
“rule” -> Restricted[“Number”, {0, 255, 1}] -> 30,
“step” -> Restricted[“Number”, {0, Infinity, 1}] -> 50
ArrayPlot[CellularAutomaton[#rule, {{1}, 0}, #step],
Frame -> False] &,
], Permissions -> “Public”] [/wlcode]

Fun! Check out some of the fun stuff here https://www.wolframcloud.com

A day of problem solving pictures.

One of the things I love about using Mathematica is that it helps me better understand the nature of my programming and problem solving.

It’s a great tool to help make sense of problems, see your errors, verify and validate your computations.

Here is a set of 26 images from today’s efforts to solve a particular problem of differential geometry on densely sampled meshes.

a b c d e f g h i j k l n o p q r s t u v w x y z

























































































More good bad results

Some days, things don’t go well, but you end up with interesting looking things anyway.













Glaven Explorer

Very preliminary, for Eric.

[WolframCDF source=”http://flipphillips.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Glerp.cdf” width=”433″ height=”520″ altimage=”http://flipphillips.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Glerp.png” altimagewidth=”433″ altimageheight=”520″]


When I do the wrong thing…

[WolframCDF source=”http://flipphillips.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/wtf.cdf” width=”320″ height=”415″ altimage=”https://academics.skidmore.edu/blogs/flip/?p=432″ altimagewidth=”” altimageheight=””] A small issue with a contour plot based on a very efficient Value Noise implementation (well, efficient for Mathematica).

It eventually looks like this, which is the ‘right thing’

[WolframCDF source=”http://flipphillips.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/notwtf.cdf” width=”320″ height=”415″ altimage=”https://academics.skidmore.edu/blogs/flip/?p=433″ altimagewidth=”” altimageheight=””]

Pegged. It will come back to you?

touchieDoing a sort of gigantic parallel computation in Mathematica.

A little too gigantic, I’m afraid. Um- can IT deliver my new MacPro sooooon? Pleeeeease?





Abby Normal

oiiI was trying to figure out why there were shading artifacts on a 3D object I created for some vision experiments.

I’ve got a metric-ton of Mathematica I’ve written over the years for doing computational geometry and it stood me in good stead. The blue ‘V’s you see are mismatched surface normals – they should be coincident (e.g. exactly the same) but, as you can see, there is a systematic error. Fixed it.






NewGlavenBack in 1987 I wrote some code for generating ‘noisy objects’. I cleaned up that code over the years, enhanced some calculations, played with new Mathematica features. Now I’ve got stuff that looks like this.

I’ll put a reference to the paper on these things here soon. Sooooon.