Objects, Materials, Exaggeration, and Perception
For a talk @ the ASU SciHub SciAPP Workshop on Science, the Arts & Possibilities in Perception. It is tempting to think of perception as some form of physical measurement. Indeed, animals seem to act as if they are… Read More
Perceptual representation of visible surfaces
What is a surface, anyway? Two experiments are reported in which we examined the ability of observers to identify landmarks on surfaces from different vantage points. In Experiment 1, observers were asked to mark the local maxima and… Read More
My eyes!
OK, just sort of messing around while making some stimuli for this experiment. I’m as creeped out as you are. I promise.
Gießen and the Virgin
Some early experiment data with the Veiled Virgin. I could explain it, but it would give away the study before we even started. So, you’ll have to just do your best to figure out what is going on for now…. Read More