The Veiled Virgin illustrates visual segmentation of shape by cause

The geometry of the physical object does not represent the visual experience. Three-dimensional (3D) shape perception is one of the most important functions of vision. It is crucial for many tasks, from object recognition to tool use, and… Read More
Visual perception of surface properties through direct manipulation

VSS21 – tangible materials. Some work we started at RIT / Gießen right before the universe shut down for a virus break. Snehal was quite the trooper, carrying it on while the rest of us were huddled in… Read More
VSS 2021

Yu, Phillips & Todd 2021, Regions of High Curvature Facilitate the Perception of 3D Shape from Shading, VSS. After the past year of chaos I’m happy to have literally anything to show. Turns out I have more than… Read More
Two recent submissions

So many things on the burner. First – The Veiled Virgin paper has been submitted. We didn’t put it on a preprint server yet, we’re trying to figure out what we want to do there. If you’d like… Read More
Fechner’s Aesthetics Revisited

Isn’t it beautiful? Gustav Fechner is widely respected as a founding father of experimental psychology and psychophysics but fewer know of his interests and work in empirical aesthetics. In the later 1800s, toward the end of his career,… Read More
The perception of surface orientation from multiple sources of optical information

The first piece of work in did in the “Todd Lab” at OSU. I had just come off five years at Pixar and a year back in grad school in the Architecture and Planning department. I wrote most of… Read More
Perceiving Object Shape from Specular Highlight Deformation, Boundary Contour Deformation, and Active Haptic Manipulation

Haptic and visual ‘contours’ It is well known that motion facilitates the visual perception of solid object shape, particularly when surface texture or other identifiable features (e.g., corners) are present. Conventional models of structure-from-motion require the presence of… Read More
Haptic shape discrimination and interhemispheric communication

Touching. In three experiments participants haptically discriminated object shape using unimanual (single hand explored two objects) and bimanual exploration (both hands were used, but each hand, left or right, explored a separate object). Such haptic exploration (one versus… Read More
Creating noisy stimuli

So much noise. A method for creating a variety of pseudo-random `noisy’ stimuli that possess several useful statistical and phenomenal features for psychophysical experimentation is outlined. These stimuli are derived from a pseudo-periodic function known as multidimensional noise…. Read More