VSS 2021
Yu, Phillips & Todd 2021, Regions of High Curvature Facilitate the Perception of 3D Shape from Shading, VSS. After the past year of chaos I’m happy to have literally anything to show. Turns out I have more than… Read More
Enhancing research with Plenary Labs
A new pub with some good friends on the impending doom of science funding and what to do about it. Authored well before the new administration was a gleam in our collective eyes. Citation: Pawan Sinha, Peter… Read More
Gießen and the Virgin
Some early experiment data with the Veiled Virgin. I could explain it, but it would give away the study before we even started. So, you’ll have to just do your best to figure out what is going on for now…. Read More
Programmer Interrupted
Programmer Interrupted. A very interesting piece of research on being interrupted whilst writing code. … the office is where we go to get interrupted.