An attack on reductionism in neuroscience
Neuroscience needs its Einstein –
“I was a liberal arts major, prefer stories to hard facts, questions to answers. I prefer ambiguity, mystery and awe to bottom-line explanations. I’m personally offended by fundamentalist and reductionist beliefs, be they religious or unjustified scientific pronouncements. I recognize and often rejoice in the absurdity of the human condition, and wouldn’t want it any other way. If scientists arrived at a final theory of everything, I would try not to read it.” – Robert Burton
Magic Revealed: Cups Trick Found to Be More Effective Than Thought
Here is that article again, this time from Scientific American.
Magic Revealed: Cups Trick Found to Be More Effective Than Thought: Scientific American.
Ancient Magical Illusion Even More Effective Than Magicians May Realize
Ancient Magical Illusion Even More Effective Than Magicians May Realize | Inside Science.
I am quoted herein. Let’s hear it for 1) magic and 2) a new open-access journal making the scene.
Here’s a link to the actual article:
Moth Drives Robot (VIDEO)
Indeed we are totally screwed once they realize that it was us who invented lightbulbs and bug zappers.
Programmer Interrupted
A very interesting piece of research on being interrupted whilst writing code.
… the office is where we go to get interrupted.