fps interview – 1995
Published from 1991-2010, fps was an excellent animation magazine with an impressive cast of regular contributors.
Shortly after I left Pixar in 1992, the publisher Emru Townsend got in touch with Tony Apodaca and me for a long-running email conversation about the early days of making those computer animation things. Over the next few years, Emru, Tony and I exchanged questions and answers over a wide range of topics surrounding computer graphics and animation.
The resulting article ran on Emru’s site The Critical Eye, as well as in the print version of fps in 1995 — about 3 years after we started. I was digging through some old PDFs and found my scan of the print edition, attached here for your historical pleasure.
Sadly, Emru passed away from leukemia a few years back. His magazine was wonderful, he did some great interviews and I’m honored to have been included in that list.