Pixar Retirement Keyboard
An example of the clash between Caps Lock and 40+ years of emacs motor control.

When I ‘retired’ from Pixar in 1992 to go back to grad school, my friends got me a (digital) gold watch. Neftali “El Magnifico” Alvarez made this custom keyboard and had everyone he could find sign it. The layout is a little odd. Hard to type some words, others, pretty easy. Someone on Reddit noticed the insane F-key layout.
It’s one of my most prized artifacts from that part of my insane life.
There are a lot of memories on the back. Lucky for me I get to stay in touch with a lot of them, I miss them all. Every one.
We had Sun workstations in the studio and terminals in our offices. This was my HDS200G terminal – https://books.google.com/books?id=YcB6jeWo2VcC&lpg=PA29&pg=PA29#v=onepage&q&f=false