Quick class description

For those of you looking for the course description of “Vision in Animals and Machines” that I failed to send to the Registrar, look no more!

Vision in Animals and Machines

PS-312, Fall 2017

This class will focus on ‘vision’ in its many forms — ranging from single-celled animals to complicated ‘artificial intelligence’ based computer vision systems. We will survey the biological and evolutionary processes that led to our human sense of sight as well as how both natural and artificial systems have influenced our understanding of ‘vision.’ We will explore computational models of human vision as well as current state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for image and scene identification. Ultimately we will settle once-and-for-all whether ‘vision’ as practiced by machines bears any resemblance at all to the behavior of ‘vision’ in natural systems.

Contact flip@skidmore.edu for information.