Statistical Shape of 3D Objects.
Statistical distribution of shape on a 3D object. A bell pepper from Norman et al. Each color represents a class of shape ala Koenderink’s “Shape Index”. The histogram below shows the distribution along with a key to the… Read More
Anticipation of Sabre Fencing Attacks
A set of motion-capture trajectories for the Anticipation of Sabre Fencing Attacks paper by Pete Possidente and I. You can see the ‘whip’ of the tip of the sabre at the end of the attack (green dots on… Read More
Photon Noise
Photon noise. Light… noisy. Shhh. If you listen, you can hear it. Rendered via RenderMan.
Volume Render of Fish Neural Development
A volume rendering (again, via Mathematica) of some developing neural structures in zebrafish. With Aaron Beck and Jen Bonner @ Skidmore.
Marroquin patterns
I notice that I seem to generate a lot of images while doing analysis, largely using Wolfram Research’s Mathematica… so, maybe every day I should post one of those images here- an image of something I’m working on,… Read More
Yankee Candle
We were just discussing interesting candle-scents in my Computational class. Just thought of a new one: Lab Report
Google glass
Scheduled my pickup. Now to just avoid looking like a total tool while wearing them. To quote the great Keavin Meany… “I don’t care, zoom zoom zoom”
Artisanal HTML
A friend was talking up his ‘hand-made’ web site recently. Apparently, websites that appear 1994 vintage are all the rage these days. As a follow up, some suggested that he used ‘Artisanal HTML, locally sourced’, and I thought… Read More
3-D printer helps save dying baby
More fun things we could do with the lab’s printer: 3-D printer helps save dying baby – For the full NEJM article, see
Science fairs: rewarding talent or privilege? | Sci-Ed
Some of my students probably have something to say about this- Science fairs: rewarding talent or privilege? | Sci-Ed.