Photon Noise
Photon noise. Light… noisy. Shhh. If you listen, you can hear it. Rendered via RenderMan.
Volume Render of Fish Neural Development
A volume rendering (again, via Mathematica) of some developing neural structures in zebrafish. With Aaron Beck and Jen Bonner @ Skidmore.
Marroquin patterns
I notice that I seem to generate a lot of images while doing analysis, largely using Wolfram Research’s Mathematica… so, maybe every day I should post one of those images here- an image of something I’m working on,… Read More
Yankee Candle
We were just discussing interesting candle-scents in my Computational class. Just thought of a new one: Lab Report
Google glass
Scheduled my pickup. Now to just avoid looking like a total tool while wearing them. To quote the great Keavin Meany… “I don’t care, zoom zoom zoom”
Artisanal HTML
A friend was talking up his ‘hand-made’ web site recently. Apparently, websites that appear 1994 vintage are all the rage these days. As a follow up, some suggested that he used ‘Artisanal HTML, locally sourced’, and I thought… Read More
3-D printer helps save dying baby
More fun things we could do with the lab’s printer: 3-D printer helps save dying baby – For the full NEJM article, see
Science fairs: rewarding talent or privilege? | Sci-Ed
Some of my students probably have something to say about this- Science fairs: rewarding talent or privilege? | Sci-Ed.
An attack on reductionism in neuroscience
Neuroscience needs its Einstein – “I was a liberal arts major, prefer stories to hard facts, questions to answers. I prefer ambiguity, mystery and awe to bottom-line explanations. I’m personally offended by fundamentalist and reductionist beliefs, be… Read More
Magic Revealed: Cups Trick Found to Be More Effective Than Thought
Here is that article again, this time from Scientific American. Magic Revealed: Cups Trick Found to Be More Effective Than Thought: Scientific American.